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韦乐平 徐建锋
摘要:文章认为普及化、宽带化、差异化、综合化是IP业务的主要发展趋势,目前的客户/服务器为主的应用模式将逐步过渡到点对点和点对多点的应用模式,运营商应具备主导客户、内容提供商和设备提供商的能力和手段。文章重点探讨了下一代互联网的关键技术:网络可扩展技术、网络可用性技术、网络管理控制技术、网络安全技术、服务质量(QoS)业务控制技术和IPv6技术。文章还从2个功能层——高速转发层和业务提供层,4个结构层——核心层、汇聚层、边缘层和业务接入层入手介绍了中国电信CN2网络的总体设计思路。 关键词:下一代互联网;发展趋势;关键技术 Abstract:The IP services will evolve towards the popularization, broadbandization, differentiation and integration. Point-to-point and point-to-multipoint application models will gradually substitute the present client/server application model. Carriers are required to have the capabilities and means of guiding subscribers, content providers and equipment vendors. The key technologies of NGI are addressed, referring to network scalability, network availability, network manageability, network security, QoS control, and IPv6 technologies. The overall design principles of China Telecom′s CN2 network are presented with regard to Two Function Layers—high speed forwarding layer and service provisioning layer, and Four Architectural Layers—core layer, consolidation layer, edge layer and service access layer. Key words:next generation Internet; evolution trend; key technology 1 IP业务发展趋势
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京ICP备15006448号-16 京网文[2017]10376-1180号
关于假冒中国教育网的声明 | 版权所有:中国教育和科研计算机网网络中心 |