Data on Students in Higher Education |
| | | | | 单位:人 |
| | | | | | | Unit:in Persons |
| 毕(结)业生数Graduates | 授予学位数 Degrees Awarded | 招生数Entrants | 在校学生数 Enrolment | 预计毕业生数 Anticipated Graduates for Next Year |
计 Total | 其中Of which |
应届生 | 春季招生 |
Autumn Session | Spring Session |
研究生 Postgraduates | 150777 | 147218 | 326286 | 173775 | | 819896 | 222952 |
博 士Doctor's Degrees | 23446 | 22427 | 53284 | 20528 | | 165610 | 56590 |
硕 士Master's Degrees | 127331 | 124791 | 273002 | 153247 | | 654286 | 166362 |
普通本科、专科生Students Enrolled in Normal and Short-cycle courses | 2391152 | 1050952 | 4473422 | 4106131 | 30104 | 13334969 | 3150760 |
本 科 Normal Courses | 1196290 | 1050952 | 2099151 | 1873699 | 9439 | 7378436 | 1509518 |
专 科 Short-cycle Courses | 1194862 | | 2374271 | 2232432 | 20665 | 5956533 | 1641242 |
成人本科、专科生Students Enrolled in Normal and Short-cycle Courses Provided by Adult HEIs | 1896152 | 79459 | 2211580 | 377222 | | 4197956 | 1735862 |
本 科 Normal Courses | 540356 | 79459 | 759434 | 121367 | | 1415954 | 567820 |
专 科 Short-cycle Courses | 1355796 | | 1452146 | 255855 | | 2782002 | 1168042 |
网络本科、专科生Students Enrolled in Normal and Short-cycle Courses Provided by Web-based Programs | 393715 | 10728 | 839325 | 121067 | 368170 | 2365908 | |
本 科 Normal Courses | 211728 | 10728 | 427811 | 41632 | 197188 | 1270458 | |
专 科 Short-cycle Courses | 181987 | | 411514 | 79435 | 170982 | 1095450 | |
在职人员攻读博士硕士学位Advanced degree Programs for persons in Employment | | 31465 | 78171 | | | 201448 | |
学历文凭考试Students Enrolled in State Recognized Credit Programs Provided by Non-state/private HEIs | 110559 | | 129805 | | | 353532 | |
电大注册视听生Registeyed Viewers/auditors of Programs Provided by RTVUs | 43738 | | | | | 61937 | |
自考助学班Classes run by Non-state/private HEIs for Students Preparing for State-administered Examinations for Self-directed Learners | 218623 | | 290953 | | | 739247 | |
研究生课程进修班 Postgraduates Courses | 83868 | | | | | 100708 | |
普通预科生 College-preparatory Classes | | | | | | 29954 | |
进修及培训 In-service Training | 2881520 | | | | | 1557485 | |
留学生 Foreign Students | 36454 | 3030 | 50603 | | 15589 | 64107 | |