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>> 当前位置: 首页 > 中国教育 > 统计数据 > 高等教育统计数据 > 2001年统计数据



Number of Full-time Teachers by Field of Study in Regular Higher Educational Institutions 

Unit: in Person


合计 Total

教授 Professors

副教授 Asso. prof.

讲师 Lecturers

助教 Assistants

教员 Instructors

合计中公共课教师 of total: Faculty members Teaching Basic Courses

总计 Total5319105067816133318719910138631314105727
其中:女 of which:Female21049579275366882509502241616742760
哲学 Philosophy1722915125822674124966589565
经济学 Economics342342859985413409643816743661
法学 Law18274133550217192364810784115
教育学 Education523352126138432105411672364025686
文学 Literature982996232247073540824100785228734
历史学 History805210812671293910822791285
理学 Science877629910304582831814691438521938
工学 Engineering1419081621046156478752400476638453
农学 Agriculture174222237561958282975763309
医学 Medicine379155472118051160967512278993
管理学 Administrators1848017045377682635291044988

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