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Conditions of School Buidings in Secondary Vocatingal Schools (Adult SSSs)



 Floor Area of School Building Owned by HEIs 独立使用非学校
 Of Which:Of Which:借用 Of Which: Floor Area of School Building Not Owned by HEIs
 Subtotal DilapidatedNewly AddedFloor Space Floor Area Under
  Buildingsin CurrentHired by OtherConstruction
   YearSchools or Units 
总计 Total14842383123887268855511294186748180218
一、教学及辅助用房 Buildings for Instraction and Ancillary Uses622019537324120443210482242267219243
 教室 Classroom3873311255916747520259109117639228
 图书馆 Library408234320236413733682053389
 实验室、实习场所 Lab. And Practice Facilities1465443679644358176442646445423
 体育馆 Gymnasium236192 2100 2278136539
 会堂 Hall237015173528692401124444664
二、行政办公用房 Administritive17374751663421381841434181188059
三、生活用房 Residential Buildings52465205566110988520934147382772916
 学生宿舍(公寓) Students' Dormitories321740032405811501217386165570718
 学生食堂 Students' Dining Halls69243455351498819173069675410
 教工单身宿舍 Apartments for Single300769312242061721143245164
 教工食堂 Dining Halls for Teachers, Staff and Workers1027991692110033811529002
 生活福利及其他用房 Residential, Welfare and Anxiliary Buildings93311812907844163341793772622
四、教工住宅 Residential Quarters for Teachers & Workers1638193142681714673312885 

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