普通高等学校专任教师变动情况(1999年) Changes of Full-time Teachers in Regular Higher Educational Institutions | 单位:人 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 增加专任教师数 | 减少专任教师数 | | | | Factors of Increase | Factors of Decrease | 本学年初报表 | | 上学年初报表 | | 当年分配毕业生 | 外单位教师调入 | 校内、外非教师调入 | | | | | 专任教师数 | | 专任教师数 | | New recruits from | Teachers recruited | Non-teaching personnel | | | | | | | | | current year graduates | from other units | changed into teachers | | 上学年离 | 调离教师 | | Total number | | Total number | 合计 | | 其中: | 其中: | | 其中: | | 其中:本校职 | | 退休人员 | 岗位人员 | 其他 | of full-time | | of full-time | Total | 计 | 博士、硕士 | 本科毕业 | 计 | 普通高校调入 | 计 | 工转为教师 | 合计 | Retired from | Transferred | Others | teachers at | | teachers at | | Total | 毕业 | Of Which: | Total | Of Which: | Total | Of Which: | Total | their posts | from teaching | | beginning | | beginning of | | | Of which: | completing | | from reg. | | with change | | during | to non- | | of current | | previous | | | completing | 1st degree | | HEIs | | of status in | | previcus | teaching | | academic | | academic year | | | doc. & mas. | courses | | | | their own | | academic year | posts | | year | | | | | deg. Prog. | | | | | institutions | | | | | | 专任教师 Full-time Teachers | 407922 | 44187 | 19241 | 7834 | 11110 | 17330 | 6417 | 7616 | 4491 | 26427 | 11619 | 5728 | 9080 | 425682 |