Data on Students in Higher Education Institutions |
单位:人 |
Unit:in Persons |
| 毕(结)业生数 Graduates | 授予学位数 Degrees Awarded | 招生数Entrants | 在校学生数 Enrolment | 预计毕业生数 Anticipated Graduates for Next Year |
计 Total | 其中 Of which |
应届生 | 春季招生 |
Autumn Session | Spring Session |
研究生 Postgraduates | 111091 | 108109 | 268925 | 133688 | | 651260 | 178748 |
博士Doctor's Degrees | 18806 | 17362 | 48740 | 17762 | | 136687 | 45636 |
硕士Master's Degrees | 92285 | 90747 | 220185 | 115926 | | 514573 | 133112 |
普通本科、专科生Students Enrolled in Normal and | 1877492 | 814759 | 3821701 | 3246536 | 24312 | 11085642 | 2477931 |
Short-cycle Courses | | | | | | | |
本科 Normal Courses | 929598 | 814759 | 1825262 | 1511627 | 8788 | 6292089 | 1235436 |
专科 Short-cycle Courses | 947894 | | 1996439 | 1734909 | 15524 | 4793553 | 1242495 |
成人本科、专科生Students Enrolled in Normal and | 1174979 | 35945 | 2223211 | 414465 | | 5591573 | 1630196 |
Short-cycle Courses Provided by Adult HEIs | | | | | | | |
本科 Normal Courses | 229072 | 35945 | 610181 | 99006 | | 1542743 | 384045 |
专科 Short-cycle Courses | 945907 | | 1613030 | 315459 | | 4048830 | 1246151 |
网络本科、专科生Students Enrolled in Normal and | 11633 | 1297 | 223855 | 56874 | 107875 | 500727 | |
Short-cycle Courses Provided by Web-based Programs | | | | | | | |
本科 Normal Courses | 6332 | 1297 | 179838 | 48297 | 89118 | 417867 | |
专科 Short-cycle Courses | 5301 | | 44017 | 8577 | 18757 | 82860 | |
研究生课程进修班 Postgraduates Courses | 104355 | | 102623 | | | 172169 | |
在职人员攻读博士硕士学位Advanced degree | | 17663 | 59747 | | | 149695 | |
Programs for persons in Employment | | | | | | | |
学历文凭考试Students Enrolled in State Recognized | 98663 | | 157967 | | | 393759 | |
Credit Programs Provided by Non-state/private HEIs | | | | | | | |
电大注册视听生Registeyed Viewers/auditors of | | | | | | | |
Programs Provided by RTVUs | | | | | | | |
自考助学班Classes run by Non-state/private HEIs for | 213792 | | 275177 | | | 748838 | |
Students Preparing for State-administered Examinations | | | | | | | |
for Self-directed Learners | | | | | | | |
普通预科生 College-preparatory Classes | 12169 | | 22186 | | | 22151 | |
证书教育Programs Awarding Certiticates on | 140538 | | 113464 | | | 108202 | |
Completion of Courses | | | | | | | |
岗位培训 Job-related Training | 673256 | | 534669 | | | 263985 | |
进修及培训 In-service Training | 800981 | | 710979 | | | 356920 | |
留学生 Foreign Students | 33318 | 2901 | 39118 | | 13314 | 52349 | |
注:除普通本专科以外不含成人高校任何数据。成人本科、专科生数为2002年数据。 |
Note:Data of regular do not include the data of adult HEIs。Data of adult HEIs are th statistics of 2002。 | | | | |