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Changes of Full-time Teachers in Specialized Sec. Schools 
unit: in person
 专任教师数Factors of IncreaseFactors of Decrease专任教师数
 Total number 当年分配毕业生其他校教师调入非教师调入 上学年内离调离教师 Total number
 of full-time  Non-teaching personnel 退休人员岗位人员 of full-time
 teachers at New recruits from current year graduatesTeachers recruited from other unitschanged into teachers Retired fromTransferred teachers at
 beginning of合计 研究生本科生专科生中专生 其中:中等专业学校调入 其中:本校职 their posts from teaching其他beginning 
 previousTotalcompletingcompletingcompletingcompleting工转为教师合计during to non-Othersof current
 academic year Totalpostgraduate1st degreeshort-cycleSSSTotalOf Which:TotalOf Which:with changeTotalprevicusteaching academic
    coursescoursescoursescourses from other  of status in their own academic yearposts year
        SSSs institutions    
总计    Total273724224401026716278401892373755038604623358317689649547576437278475
中技 Technical Schools21037418278781912760391357296636834074091309813617516035854872215035
中师 Teacher Training Schools6335041622448351801535771182453532485407213351172156563440

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