Condition of Fixed Assets and Teaching Resources |
in Vocational-Technical Training Institutions |
| 总计 Total | 职工技术培训学校(机构) Vocational-Technical Training Institutions | 农村成人文化技术培训学校(机构) Technical Training Schools for Peasants | 其他培训机构(含社会培训机构) Others |
占地面积(平方米) Area of School sites (m2) | 132989673 | 20996095 | 80016298 | 31977280 |
| | | | |
教学行政用房建筑面积(平方米)Administritive (m2) | 37570643 | 4111284 | 19696077 | 13763282 |
| | | | |
图书藏量(册) Books (Volume) | 102489235 | 8624519 | 37275545 | 56589171 |
| | | | |
教学用计算机(台)No. of computers used for Instruction | 1861636 | 89724 | 140707 | 1631205 |
| | | | |
语音实验室座位数(个) No. of Seats in Audio-Labs | 175134 | 19624 | 31424 | 124086 |
| | | | |
多媒体教室座位数(个 No. of Seats in Multimedia Class rooms | 1749752 | 56100 | 114749 | 1578903 |
| | | | |
固定资产总值(万元) Fixed Assets (in 10000 yuan) | 249953701 | 757307 | 2341356 | 246855038 |
其中:教学、实习仪器设备资产值of which:Teaching Equipment & Instruments | 119281700 | 179934 | 999862 | 118101905 |